
Cayman Islands
Best Beach Puzzle

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20 Cayman Islands Best Beaches

images/lilac-beach Cayman Kai

images/lilac-beach East End Beach

images/lilac-beach Governor's Beach

images/lilac-beach Heritage Beach

images/lilac-beach Rum Point

images/lilac-beach Seven Mile Beach

images/lilac-beach Smith Cove

images/lilac-beach Spotts Park

images/lilac-beach West Bay Beach

images/lilac-beach Brac Reef Beach

images/lilac-beach Head O' Bay

images/lilac-beach Owen Island

images/lilac-beach Sandy Beach

images/lilac-beach Starfish Point

images/lilac-beach Tiki Beach

images/lilac-beach Coral Beach

images/lilac-beach Colliers Beach

images/lilac-beach Library Beach

images/lilac-beach Cemetery Beach

images/lilac-beach Boggy Sands Beach

How to Uncover Cayman Islands's Beach Puzzle

1• You have 180 seconds to find the beach.
2• Click on two beach cards. If both numbers are the same, they will vanish.
3• If you make all beach cards disappear in 180 seconds, you have a high IQ.